Monday 3 June 2013

Stained Tears

Everyday is not bright and sunny; sometimes you are simply lost in darkness. At such times, keeping your head high and faking a smile might seems as the most difficult thing to do. Life is going to knock you down until you finally break down and crumble into absolute helplessness. All this while there has been a lump in your throat and then comes this moment when you just can’t hold it back anymore, and you finally choke into tears. You have a heavy head that no Aspirin can heal and you want to scream out in anguish, so loud that people would think of you as a psychotic. You would do anything that it takes to get rid of the excruciating distress, agony. You would even consider taking your life or hurting yourself in every which way possible. You don’t need any pep talk to cheer you up. You need peace.

But sometimes it’s okay to cry and let the tears flow. The tears of failure, of disappointment. The tears of heartbreak, of loneliness. The tears of love, of hatred. The tears of loss, of demise. The tears of silence, of suffocation. The tears of pain, and so much more. We don’t even realize how much stained our tears are with the countless miseries in every phase of life. But don’t fall apart so often that it becomes a tendency, a weakness. Instead make it your strength. Letting go of these stained tears won’t make your life any simpler or better; neither will it provide solutions to the problems at hand. But it would definitely make us fell better, lighter. We have to learn to detach that part of life that doesn't let us breathe freely. We all are going to have endless and countless problems throughout our lives. Neither can we avoid them nor solve them all at once. So why let these stained tears pollute every cell of our being with sadness? It’s definitely not worth it. So at any moment if you feel like releasing your pain and letting go, don’t hold back, just do it. Later you would emerge livelier since you have wiped your stained tears, gathered your courage again and have come out much stronger than before.

It’s a simple fact that, sometimes..we all are a little broken and that’s okay.

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