Tuesday 28 May 2013

Who Am I?

Around midnight, I lie comfortably on my bed, lazing around, wondering if there’s someone who feels exactly the way I feel right now,
We all are humans with our individualistic qualities. We know where we are now but do we really know WHO we are now? Who am I? A human, a girl, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, an advisor, a student? No. These are just nouns. But do these dictionary nouns really define me? Does simply being a human define my existence?
Am I just the obedient, lovable daughter of my parents? Am I just the notorious little sister? Am I just a trustworthy friend with a shoulder for people to cry on? Am I just the girl who can be loved by a gentle, kind heart? Am I someone’s priority? Or am I the problem creator? Am I the sweet girl with a kind heart or am I the angered woman with revenge in my blood? Am I searching for someone or am I waiting to be searched by someone?  Surely, I am something much more than all of this. Much better.
Who am I? I am confused. I am a dreamer. A wanderer. I am lost. And I am trying to search myself. I am tangled in the quest of life. I am tied with strings to people, relations, dreams and actions. Every string pulls me towards a different direction, making me a puppet dancing to the tunes of others voices, choices. And may be, amongst all these voices, I have somewhere lost mine.
How long will I let people define me? How long will I provide them the right to judge me on the basis of their assumptions? I don’t know why have I been sent to this planet but I know one thing for sure. I haven’t been sent here to keep fitting myself into everyone else’s shoes. Not until I find my pair of shoes, to know where I belong. My father once said to me, “Only if you could see yourself through my eyes, you would know what a wonderful person you are.” But for once, I would rather want to see myself through my own eyes and know for myself what kind of person I really am.
I feel life is all about discovering yourself. The older you grow, the better you know. It’s about making choices, changing them and changing them all over again until you know its right. You can’t understand anyone else if you haven’t understood yourself. I am searching for myself and someday I will surely look in the mirror, right into my own eyes and say, “I’ve been searching for you. I finally found ME!”
So, who are YOU?
If you are drenched in your heap of thoughts, wanderings and unanswered questions, and wondering if there’s someone feeling just as lost as you, I want you to know, I am here too. Feeling just the same.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How true is this.
    What is the purpose of your life ? A question many dont bother to think about.
    When You think how people want you to be, You are caged and deprived from your freedom to be the way you are. And every human will not be joyful till he restores his freedom.We can live free by respecting otherُs right to live free.
    The idea behind freedom is to be respectful and useful to our society.
    You are confused, lost, u dream, u wander, People assume, you think you are a puppet. I have had this same feeling once. And the Equation that help me here was to "Move On in life", if you belive in yourself you dont need anyone to acknowledge your credentials. All types of people are availble here, be with someone who makes you happy and smile, respects your thots, feelings and evrythng you do, Makes you feel how special you are and rather pointing out nooks in you he/she encourages you to make your weak points strong.
