Sunday 30 June 2013

It's your life. Make it yours.

Life is a journey. I've started to imagine our lives as trains. The journey begins at birth and ends only at death. In between these two extremities awaits the marvellous journey called Life. We all share some common stations like childhood, school, career, marriage, children and old age. There are people who enter our lives as passengers; some of them leave us at different stations while some remain with us till we reach the end point. But in this journey, how we carve ourselves and our lives is what makes us different from others. The route of your life is going to be different than mine, because each one of us is unique in our own way. Unfortunately, some of us try becoming something else,someone else.
They try to encompass the journey of others in their canvas of life. If you let others paint your canvas or you copy from someone else's canvas, the final image of your canvas will never turn out to be as mesmerizing and beautiful as it could have been had you not relied on others.What good does it do? How difficult is it to accept who you are? It is a pity that people try becoming someone that they are not without realizing the uniqueness that lies within them.
Rumi quotes, "Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there."
I guess what this quotes means is that you should let yourself fall in love with your own self. Fall in love with your life, it's a beautiful place there. And in this journey when you finally discover this  place, I am sure you wouldn't trade it for anything else. Don't make your life a stranger by embracing the life of someone else. My life is different than yours. Yours is different than someone else's. Don't compare, don't deject. Accept your life and make it a beautiful world of your own to live in forever.
It's your life. Don't make it a Stranger. Make it your own.

Photo Courtesy: Google Images.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a John Mayer song, "Stop this train".
