Sunday 14 July 2013

Live beyond the labels.

"You're not good enough"
"Not pretty enough"
"Not smart enough"
"Hey Fatty"
"Hey you, Geek"
"Not talented enough"
"She's a sad person,got no life"  "He was born waste" 
"He's a loser and she's a loner"

When a company manufactures products, it puts different tags and labels on the products only so that the products are easily identified by people. These labels and tags define the products and that is how people remember them for a long time. Ever wondered what it is like when the same happens to human beings?

It is a fact, we all have been tagged with different labels. We are always judged from the outside, on our appearance, on our first impression, sometimes even on how we dress. The worst part is that we don't need a manufacturing company to label us. 'Cause here, people label people. At home, in school, in college, at workplace, by teachers, among friends and colleagues; we are labelled everywhere by everyone. Sometimes people are ridiculed at and even labelled on what brands they use or which part of the city they come from. People who label people are also labelled by other people. It is a sad truth that people judge you even without  knowing who you really are. And it is even sadder a truth that  most of us don't realize how and when we begin to live with these labels as our identities. You call a person ugly and that person begins to live and feel ugly all the time. Just because they think you are ugly, doesn't make it true. We fail to recognize the beauty that hides beneath the superficial skin. Unknowingly, people start to live with these labels because of the fear of not being accepted; not being liked by others. Because we all fear of 'not being enough'. But little do we know that we will be loved and accepted for who we really are and not for the labels that people tag us with.
You were not born to fit in, you were born to stand out. So break these walls of labels you are surrounded with and let people know they are wrong. Either filled with flaws or with perfection; people are going to label you. What matters is how you overcome those labels and live beyond them.

Image Courtesy: OTH Google Images