Wednesday 28 August 2013

I live in a place. And it’s called Happiness

I was walking down the road, to a place I didn't know existed in this world. I searched for directions but the road showed none. The sun had already set. As long as there was light, I was hopeful of reaching this place that I was searching for. But with the diminishing sun-rays  I feared the darkness that approached and realized that I was nothing but lost. As I walked, I saw the bustling streets finally settling down. People were going back, some were going home, some were waiting, most of them were going to a place they belonged to. And I started to wonder, what place did I belong to?
My brain kept telling to return to the place I had been living for a long while but my heart refused to listen and return to Sadness. I followed my heart and I couldn't believe the satisfaction that came with it.  I walked all night through the darkness, there was thunder and stormy winds and then it rained, I was soaked with my own doubts and dilemmas. My anxieties were overwhelming. My thoughts were drenched in the quest of contentment. Everything around me kept asking to where was I going to and to where I belonged? For what I had been searching for and as to why did I need it? I had no answer. These thoughts hovering over my mind made me tiresome. There was an unquestioning silence and I could hear my heart pounding. I was insecure but I continued walking to nowhere. The tears finally rolled down my cheeks, and I sighed at the feeling of feeling less burdened with my own self. Not giving up made me stronger and courageous.I did not realize how by myself I passed through the maze of my own thoughts that was unresolved for a considerably long time. Unaware of the reality around, I finally realized it was dawn. There was light and hope. And at a distance closer to me, I found the place called Happiness. I knew it because I could feel it. As I was coming closer to Happiness I realized I was coming closer to myself. It was within me. I embraced it and I was content. Not completely healed but not bruised anymore. The pain subsided and there was determination to begin anew.It’s not difficult to find this beautiful place decorated with smiles, joy and contentment. All you need to do is to look within yourself.
Image Courtesy: Google Images.

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