Friday 8 November 2013

The Change

Change is inevitable; something that you can neither avoid nor ignore. We all change with time. Some learn to accept the change, while some are just too fearful hence pretend that the change never happened to them.
But it is amazing how soon you get used to change as long as you have the courage and conviction that the changes which are taking place are all for the very best.

Nothing in this life is static after all. And a change in life helps you develop a different perspective altogether.
Today I am a different person; my life today is not the same as it was yesterday. I can't go back to who and where I was. I want to seek for more, because every moment I realize that there is so much to be learnt. I realize everyday that I can become so much more; so much better and wiser. And it's not just me, everyone of us has so much to learn, do and become; so much that if we begin to note them down we could possibly go crazy on realizing the hidden explorations that each one of us wants to unfold.
Embrace the change and let positivity surround you along with it.We all need to keep growing in wisdom and understanding. There is always something so new and wonderful to discover and absorb in this life, for which we need to expand our consciousness and imagination, to make some room for it, for some Change.

Image Courtesy: Google Images

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