Saturday 28 December 2013

The Next 365

So another year has come to an end. Ever wondered where have the 365 days passed away? Some in joy and laughter, some in pain and grief, some in love and some in hatred, some so successful while some in failures; but somehow the year has passed by. Have you ever wondered how different you and your life presently are than they were in the year that earlier passed? So how different was your 2013 than the 2012? Are you a better person or still the same one? It's fun when you go to people you know asking them how much have they seen you change! You will be surprised to hear whatever they have got to say!
I don’t really have any New Year resolutions to make because I haven’t ever thought of any. Have you? I think the changes that you want to bring in yourself don’t come overnight; definitely not when you've tried all year and now even the year changes to a different one. Changes happen to you eventually and all you can do is accept them. So as the New Year is approaching, why not shed off some old skin for a change?
Not all of us are interested in making New Year resolutions. But what we all can do is let go of the bitter things that we came across in the past. You definitely can’t move on while still peeping back into the past. So let go of the things that have caused you pain and made you weak. Sometimes we are all too hurt to let go. But it’s always better to look at surprises that unfold in the near future than grieving at the past that’s done no good to you.
So what if this year didn’t turn up the way you wanted it to? I hope you have made a lot of mistakes this year because that means that you are learning, pushing yourself to do new things, trying, failing, rebuilding yourself, experiencing and most of all changing your world a little every day. So do not be afraid to stumble and fall all over again! Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t be tamed, don’t stop trying, don't stop believing because that will mean that you are Doing Something. And that Something; however small it is, is changing you for the better.
So that’s what I am going to wish all of you for the year to come.
For the New Year, make New Mistakes. Make amazing mistakes and keep learning from them. Don’t worry about people having a laugh at you; be clever enough to know that they are making mistakes too! If there are things you have been afraid of doing; do it!
There is a whole new year ahead to look up to, a whole new huge bunch of 365 days woven uniquely together for each one of us.
A whole new blank book of 365 pages is soon going to be delivered to each one of you; make sure you write a great story this time!

Image Courtesy:


  1. A-M-A-Zing <3 <3 ... thats the awesomest and encouraging post about New year i have read !!!

  2. Thank you so much :)
    Stay connected :)
