Saturday 28 December 2013

The Next 365

So another year has come to an end. Ever wondered where have the 365 days passed away? Some in joy and laughter, some in pain and grief, some in love and some in hatred, some so successful while some in failures; but somehow the year has passed by. Have you ever wondered how different you and your life presently are than they were in the year that earlier passed? So how different was your 2013 than the 2012? Are you a better person or still the same one? It's fun when you go to people you know asking them how much have they seen you change! You will be surprised to hear whatever they have got to say!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

A Hate Letter.

Dear Almost Gone,
This is the last letter I shall ever write to you. It’s time that I keep the memories of you sealed in boxes in the attic and let them vanish in the sands of time.
I remember how you made me feel so unimportant. You treated me like I was Nothing but an Object. But you don’t belong to my memories anymore. The day has finally come when I can walk ahead and never look back at you. I don’t hate you; you are just insignificant. So much that you don’t even deserve my hatred anymore. There were times when you would sweep me off my feet and take me to the heavens above the ninth cloud where we shared our moments of happiness. I was just blinded with love. The Love wasn't wrong, the Person was; you were.

Friday 8 November 2013

The Change

Change is inevitable; something that you can neither avoid nor ignore. We all change with time. Some learn to accept the change, while some are just too fearful hence pretend that the change never happened to them.
But it is amazing how soon you get used to change as long as you have the courage and conviction that the changes which are taking place are all for the very best.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

I live in a place. And it’s called Happiness

I was walking down the road, to a place I didn't know existed in this world. I searched for directions but the road showed none. The sun had already set. As long as there was light, I was hopeful of reaching this place that I was searching for. But with the diminishing sun-rays  I feared the darkness that approached and realized that I was nothing but lost. As I walked, I saw the bustling streets finally settling down. People were going back, some were going home, some were waiting, most of them were going to a place they belonged to. And I started to wonder, what place did I belong to?

Sunday 14 July 2013

Live beyond the labels.

"You're not good enough"
"Not pretty enough"
"Not smart enough"
"Hey Fatty"
"Hey you, Geek"
"Not talented enough"
"She's a sad person,got no life"  "He was born waste" 
"He's a loser and she's a loner"

When a company manufactures products, it puts different tags and labels on the products only so that the products are easily identified by people. These labels and tags define the products and that is how people remember them for a long time. Ever wondered what it is like when the same happens to human beings?

Sunday 30 June 2013

It's your life. Make it yours.

Life is a journey. I've started to imagine our lives as trains. The journey begins at birth and ends only at death. In between these two extremities awaits the marvellous journey called Life. We all share some common stations like childhood, school, career, marriage, children and old age. There are people who enter our lives as passengers; some of them leave us at different stations while some remain with us till we reach the end point. But in this journey, how we carve ourselves and our lives is what makes us different from others. The route of your life is going to be different than mine, because each one of us is unique in our own way. Unfortunately, some of us try becoming something else,someone else.

Monday 10 June 2013

Just Live

There are numerous such moments when life knocks you down with the worst of its challenges. But sometimes when you are lost and confused, its not just the huge challenges, but the small little hardships of life that pull you out of your fantasy world and put you to drown in a rotten, stinky bowl of soup. That is world. Sometimes you might feel that your head just got hit by a huge iron rod. The pain is unbearable. You bleed from inside and no one can really understand the matter with you. All you want to do is give up and fall into deep sleep that would help you forget for a while that you belong to a world so ruthless. But you know what, sometimes its okay to not run into the “I’m strong as a rock” zone.

Monday 3 June 2013

Stained Tears

Everyday is not bright and sunny; sometimes you are simply lost in darkness. At such times, keeping your head high and faking a smile might seems as the most difficult thing to do. Life is going to knock you down until you finally break down and crumble into absolute helplessness. All this while there has been a lump in your throat and then comes this moment when you just can’t hold it back anymore, and you finally choke into tears. You have a heavy head that no Aspirin can heal and you want to scream out in anguish, so loud that people would think of you as a psychotic. You would do anything that it takes to get rid of the excruciating distress, agony. You would even consider taking your life or hurting yourself in every which way possible. You don’t need any pep talk to cheer you up. You need peace.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

We Could Make It

You entered the winter of my life with the gush of a warm breeze. You brought spring in the dead cold, and you freed me of my deserted being. You were the shining star of a moonless night, my warmth in the dreary sights. You were the stream of cold water to quench my thirst of contentment. You were the soft soothing blanket I would curl into when the world outside was too much for me to bear.
I was your strangely found soul mate. Your rescue in times of daunted nightmares. I think I was the twinkling spark in your eyes that I could always see. The smile on your lips, I thought it was always me. I thought our souls were bonded with togetherness of hope, of illuminating our darkest fears. I know we were imperfect people, with a set of flaws but stitched together with kindness and dreams together to be followed. But our bonded souls and colorful lives fell apart like splintered pieces of glass.

Who Am I?

Around midnight, I lie comfortably on my bed, lazing around, wondering if there’s someone who feels exactly the way I feel right now,
We all are humans with our individualistic qualities. We know where we are now but do we really know WHO we are now? Who am I? A human, a girl, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, an advisor, a student? No. These are just nouns. But do these dictionary nouns really define me? Does simply being a human define my existence?
Am I just the obedient, lovable daughter of my parents? Am I just the notorious little sister? Am I just a trustworthy friend with a shoulder for people to cry on? Am I just the girl who can be loved by a gentle, kind heart? Am I someone’s priority? Or am I the problem creator? Am I the sweet girl with a kind heart or am I the angered woman with revenge in my blood? Am I searching for someone or am I waiting to be searched by someone?  Surely, I am something much more than all of this. Much better.
Who am I? I am confused. I am a dreamer. A wanderer. I am lost. And I am trying to search myself. I am tangled in the quest of life. I am tied with strings to people, relations, dreams and actions. Every string pulls me towards a different direction, making me a puppet dancing to the tunes of others voices, choices. And may be, amongst all these voices, I have somewhere lost mine.